Keep your callers in the loop when you can't pick up.

With callpause, you never have to worry when turning off your phone. Our service lets you set up custom out-of-office text messages that let your callers know when you're not available, so you can stay in control of your time and your calls.

team illustration

Easy to use out-of-office system using text messages

Setting up your callpause message is easy. Turn them on and off whenever you want, and set active by enabling call forwarding on your mobile device.

Customizable Messages

With Callpause, you can create custom messages for any situation. Whether you're on vacation, in a meeting, or just need some time to yourself, you can create a message that fits your needs. With our easy-to-use interface, you can set up a message in just a few minutes.

Flexible Scheduling

You have full control over when your messages are active. You can set a start and end date for each message, so you never have to worry about forgetting to turn off a message when you're back in the office. Our scheduling system is easy to use and lets you make changes on the fly.

Easy To Set Up

Our service seamlessly integrates with your phone, so you can keep using your favorite apps and tools. Our service works with both iOS and Android devices, and you can easily set up call forwarding to redirect calls to your message number. With Callpause, you don't have to change your workflow to stay in control.

Flexible pricing, only pay for what you use.

Buy credits and only use them for active messages.

One credit per day

You set a start and an end date for every message in callpause. For each day in that range, you are charged 1

Credits start at

USD Per credit
  • Buy more credits for the most discount
  • Credits are valid indefinitely
  • Secure payment using your prefered method
Set up your account

Frequently Asqued Questions

Setting up a message on Callpause is quick and easy. You can create a custom message and set a start and end date in just a few minutes. Once you've set up your message, you can start forwarding calls to your message number right away.

Callpause is free to sign up for, and you can purchase credits to activate your messages. One credit is the cost of one day that a message is active for you. For example, if you need to set up a message for a two-week vacation, you would need to purchase 14 credits.

Yes, you can use Callpause with a prepaid phone plan. However, you will need to make sure you have enough credit on your account to forward calls to your message number. We recommend checking with your mobile carrier to see if there are any additional fees for call forwarding.

Yes, you can set up multiple messages on Callpause at once. This can be useful if you have different phones and want to create custom messages for each one. Alternatively, you can forward multiple phones to the same message phone number and have callpause handle them at the same time.